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!!!Just some documentation for my own workflow on preparing and testing docker images.

From the top level directory of this repository we make sure we updatedthe pypi release first if needed (credentials are in ~/.pypirc):

python sdist
twine upload dist/`ls -1 dist/ | tail -1`
rm dist/*

Verify that it is updated on Pypi.


building images

docker build -t varkenvarken/htcollector:latest -f docker/Dockerfile .

we also depend on a mariadb image with an healthcheck

docker build -t varkenvarken/mariadb:latest -f docker/Dockerfile-mariadb .

pushing images

We my want to push the images (to Docker hub or elsewhere)

docker login ...
docker push varkenvarken/htcollector:latest
docker push varkenvarken/mariadb:latest

Verify on their respective repositories:

htcollector mariadb


Run htcollector and the mariadb database together from the compose file:

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d

The test it by adding a couple of measurements en then retrieving a graph and an html page:

http GET "http://localhost:8083/sensorlog?hum=70&temp=24&id=test-123456"
... # perhaps sleep a bit
http GET "http://localhost:8083/sensorlog?hum=65&temp=25&id=test-123456"

http GET "http://localhost:8083/graph?id=test-123456" > /tmp/f.png ; display /tmp/f.png

deploy on another machine

Tested with Docker version 20.10.12, build 20.10.12-0ubuntu2~20.04.1 / Docker Compose version v2.6.0

docker pull varkenvarken/htcollector:latest
docker pull varkenvarken/mariadb:latest

mkdir htcollector-docker
cd htcollector-docker
mkdir docker
cd docker
curl > .env
curl > docker-compose.yml
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d